Instructions: load obj, then hit load material - either select one img file or select a mtl and its dds files at once - the dds and mtl files must be in the same directory.
Lightning bolt icons start auto optimization process, with step size indicated to the right of each icon. Press spacebar to cancel optimization.
To change webcam input (Chrome): go to Preferences > Show Advanced Settings... > Privacy > Content Settings... > Camera and select from dropdown.
To setup Node server (mac instructions):
install node: brew install node
navigate to the 'node' folder in this app's file directory in the Terminal: cd node
install npm install
install SerialPort: npm install serialport
run node server: node nodeServer.js (do this from inside the node directory in the app)
select serial port from dropdown below
To run in VR mode: run in a browser that supports WebVR API (tested in Chromium experimental build on Windows). Select "Enter VR" when button appears.